Today an essay on post modern MK/Mind Kontrol.
However to begin it, I'd like you to chill out and watch these videos on the Allegory of Plato's Cave first:
Ever heard of the allegory of Plato's Cave?
This will explain a lot to you
Having watched it then see this and you'll get it better
And here it gets more detailed...
The IS a Reason for this olde allegory dated 390 BCE.
Now go to these links on the Stanford Prison Experiment and Milgram Experiment and read articles and watch video links there to understand that in post modern high tech gang stalking, there are actually 2 cell groups studied and data gathered and assimilated by AI/Artificial Intelligence data banks like the Star Trek Borg that perfect the technology after studies over time and tests using this invasive dangerous black science out there.
Like Stanford and Milgram there are passive victim groups with active controller groups who operate the EMF/ELF wave tech etc. to attack the passive victims and they too are watched to see their reactions like these two archaic social experiments that had to be stopped with dreadful consequences in the aftermath of both.
People think only of the passive victims attacked not aware the controller group are victimized under threat to be silent on what they took part in.
After cell tests then the controllers are relieved of the high tech tied to Intel Agencies like the NSA and Dept of Defense part of it. They're rewarded and paid under threat to keep silence but leaks have occurred to passive victims by the controllers using the high tech skull talk by the controllers trying to both warn and absolve themselves of this criminal activity.
Naturally when incidents are reported to local authorities then it gets silenced and the victims get targeted or snuffed many times because it will pass from local to national agencies like the FBI who are in it as Cointelpro data acquisition too.
The archaic roots of Stanford and Milgram give you a blueprint on HOW passive and active controller groups are under a ruling committee who dictate operations above both cell groups.
This missing link of controller groups under the committee just as much as passive victim groups is WHY only half the Big Picture is understood and misinterpreted by the public and passive victims who survive.
They have a hard time believing the sadistic controllers are part of the Bigger Picture and test guinea pigs as much as the passive victim groups.
These tests are short and intense and have to be moved quickly before public attention and outcry expose this criminal business Post 9-11.
The victims of both groups suffer symptoms that look like delusional paranoia and schizophrenia in the aftermath that has led to ruined lives and suicides.
I wrote this brief essay to YOU sent Bcc to keep crosstalk and nosy inquiry to a minimum with people I address.
To people who ask, I do NOT approve writing to my contacts without asking me being invasive to their privacy and desecrating trust I placed in some.
I despise ill manners and piss poor etiquette online on this subject.
You do NOT have my permission to invasively bother my contacts and DO NOT ASK and don't pester them because some individuals did this to me before writing my contacts without asking and I got some angry people writing me asking who some character was who wrote them.
It makes me personally angry enough to beat that fuck face in and show their punk ass what a real predator is. But such is life. C'est la vie.
Ok read from the links to understand how these cell groups operate.
The Terrible Moral of the Stanford Prison Experiment: Power Corrupts - Even When It’s Only Pretend - WhoWhatWhy
Make no mistake that this Military backed venture tied to the Milgram experiment at Yale tied to Skull & Bones involvement was a social engineering tool that has made Amerika like the prison planet on Dune that was the training ground of the puppet Emperor/President's legions of Sardaukar shock troops like we saw in Iraq and Afghanistan out of Vietnam Phoenix Program in methodology.
The Stanford prison experiment was a study of the psychological effects of becoming a prisoner or prison guard.Wikipedia
Mobile-friendly - Philip Zimbardo's website about his classic study. Contains a 42 page slideshow with videoclips of the original ...
The Story - A Film by Kyle Patrick Alvarez- Quiet Rage: The Documentary
Stanford prison experiment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Wikipedia › wiki › Stanford_prison_exp...
Mobile-friendly - The Stanford prisonexperiment (SPE) was a study of the psychological effects of becoming a prisoner or prison guard.
Christina Maslach - Lynndie England- The Stanford Prison Experiment - Band
The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015) - IMDb
IMDb › title
Rating: 7/10 - 5,387 votes
Mobile-friendly - The Stanford PrisonExperiment -- Twenty-four male students out of seventy-five · The Stanford PrisonExperiment -- It is ...
Parents Guide - Release Dates - Awards- Showtimes
See results about
The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015 film)
The Menace Within - Stanford Magazine - Article - Stanford ...
Stanford University › alumni › get › page
Mobile-friendly - The Stanford PrisonExperiment became the subject of numerous books and documentaries, a feature film and the ...
The Real Lesson of the Stanford Prison Experiment - The New Yorker
The New Yorker › maria-konnikova › th...
Mobile-friendly - Jun 12, 2015 - A scene from “The Stanford Prison Experiment,” a new movie inspired by the famous but widely ...
Zimbardo - Stanford Prison Experiment | Simply Psychology
www.simplypsychology.org › zimbardo
Mobile-friendly - stanford prisonexperiment picture of a prisoner being arrested. zimbardo prison experimentpicture of a prisoner.
Stanford Prison Experiment:
The Stanford Prison Experiment - YouTube
YouTube › watch
Duration: 29:01
Posted: Sep 24, 2011
The Stanford Prison Experiment (2015) - Rotten Tomatoes
Rotten Tomatoes › the_stanford_prison_...
Rating: 85% - 74 votes
Mobile-friendly - As chillingly thought-provoking as it is absorbing and well-acted, The Stanford Prison Experimentoffers historical drama ...
The Stanford Education Experiment Could Change ...
www.wired.com › ff_aiclass - Wired
The Stanford Education ExperimentCould Change Higher Learning Forever. Photo: Sam Comen Sebastian Thrun and Peter Norvig in the basement of Thrun's guesthouse, where they ...
The Guy Behind the Stanford Prison Experiment ...
www.slate.com › articles › 2015/05 - Slate
In 1971, the psychologist Philip Zimbardo spearheaded the Stanford prisonexperiment to show how the hierarchy of the penitentiary system could turn otherwise reasonable men into ...
Inside “The Stanford Prison Experiment”: Six days in ...
www.salon.com › 2015/07/16 › i... - Salon
I'm glad I did not skip the discussion after the New York premiere of Kyle Patrick Alvarez's claustrophobic and provocative film “The Stanford Prison Experiment,” because it was not like ...
Psychopathic Kyriarchy – Our Rulers Really Are Unempathic Predators
March 25th, 2013
Psychopaths are drawn to and uniquely capable within politics. They are charismatic, show no remorse, crave power and rise to the top. Leading psychologists have built the literature on the corporate form, but statist psychopathy bears investigation.
Pathocracy - “A system of government where a small pathological minority takes over a society of normal people.” – Andrew M. Lobaczewski in Political Ponerology
Kyriarchy - A social hierarchy based on domination rather than spontaneous, voluntary order. All states are necessarily kyriarchical because the government is a monopoly on violence. Psychopaths rise to the top of coercive hierarchies like helium balloons rise to the ceilings of rooms.
“Psychopaths are social predators and like all predators they are looking for feeding grounds. Wherever you get power, prestige and money you will find them.”
-Robert Hare, Professor of Psychology at the University of British Columbia, leading psychopathy researcher
It requires a certain mindset to want to rule others. This person believes they are qualified to and morally justified in making life-changing decisions for millions at the point of a gun (state law).
Desire to rule is one thing, but the qualities that enable one to rise in the political hierarchy are perhaps rarer and more pernicious. Psychopaths are manipulative, charming, narcissistic and excellent liars. Most importantly, they score low on the empathy scale — showing little or no remorse for inflicting suffering (and readily violate the non-aggression principle). As children, many psychopaths torture animals and bully peers. They learn to mimic the normal outward display of emotionality, but it is purely an act.
It is easy to compromise your morals if you don’t have any. Being a politician means lying. The job description includes making back room deals and compromising on campaign promises. People often joke about politicians being heartless, deceitful, untrustworthy, self-aggrandizing and vindictive. But perhaps they must be to become politicians.
We all know some genuinely good people (perhaps a bit egotistical) who serve as state functionaries. Local politicians, even many Congresspeople appear genuinely motivated to do what they think is right (by force, naturally). But the lower eschelon of power is not where the psychopaths aggregate. Some leading psychologists hypothesize that the higher one looks up the hierarchy, the lower the empathy. From John Ronson’s The Psychopath Test: A Journey Through the Madness Industry:
“Sociopaths love power. They love winning. If you take loving kindness out of the human brain, there’s not much left except the will to win.” [Said Martha Stout, psychologist of psychopathy].
“Which means you’ll find a preponderance of them at the top of the tree?”
“Yes,” she said. The higher you go up the ladder, the greater the number sociopaths you’ll find there.”
There is a physiologically conserved brain abnormality among psychopaths. Also see this study. The possibility of genetically fixed psychopathy will not sit well with those that wish to believe in environmental rather than biological determinism. The leading psychologists of psychopathy believe it is fixed. Psychopathy and sociopathy are not “mental illnesses,” which come and go and can be treated pharmacologically. The utter absence of empathy is permanent.
Furthermore, psychopaths and sociopaths make up about 1% of the population, according to the FBI.
From an interview with Robert Hare:
Bob said it’s always a nice surprise when a psychopath speaks openly about their inability to feel emotions. Most of them pretend to feel. When they see us non-psychopaths crying or scared or moved by human suffering, or whatever, they think it’s fascinating. They study us and learn how to ape us, like space creatures trying to blend in, but if we keep our eyes open, we can spot the fakery. (p. 100-101)
“I should never have done all my research in prisons. I should have spent my time inside the Stock Exchange as well.”
I looked at Bob. “Really?” I said.
He nodded.
“But surely stock-market psychopaths can’t be as bad as serial-killer psychopaths,” I said.
“Serial killers ruin families.” Bob shrugged. “Corporate and political and religious psychopaths ruin economies. They ruin societies.”
This– Bob was saying –was the straightforward solution to the greatest mystery of all: Why is the world so unfair? Why all that savage economic injustice, those brutal wars, the everyday corporate cruelty? The answer: psychopaths. That part of the brain that doesn’t function right. You’re standing on an escalator and you watch the people going past on the opposite escalator. If you could climb inside their brains, you would see we aren’t all the same.
We aren’t all good people just trying to do good. Some of us are psychopaths. And psychopaths are to blame for this brutal, misshapen society. They’re the jagged rocks thrown into the still pond. (p. 112)
“If some political or business leader had a psychopathically hoodlum childhood, wouldn’t it come out in the press and ruin them?” I said.
“They find ways to bury it,” Bob replied. “Anyway, Early Behavior Problems don’t necessarily mean ending up in Juvenile Hall. It could mean, say, secretly torturing animals.” He paused. “But getting access to people like that can be difficult. Prisoners are easy. They like meeting researchers. It breaks up the monotony of their day. But CEOs, politicians …” Bob looked at me. “It’s a really big story,” he said. “It’s a story that could change forever the way people see the world.” (p. 118)
There has been a surge in theories about “corporate psychopaths,” [1] [2] (see Hare and Babiak’s Snakes in Suits and Paul Lawrence’s Driven to Lead ) but inquiry into the more obvious form, political psychopathy, despite some coverage (“The Startling Accuracy of Referring to Politicians as Psychopaths.” The Atlantic), has not really entered the public consciousness.
One pioneering researcher, named Andrew M. Lobaczewski, has established the prevailing framework for statist psychopathy in his monumental work “Political Ponerology: A science on the nature of evil adjusted for political purposes,” (PDF) which itself scarcely made it out of Communist Poland with its researchers hunted down, tortured and killed by the local state authorities.
Lobaczewski’s book is actually the synthesis of the work of several Polish thinkers who formed a theoretical school of psychology that was borne from the Nazi and Communist occupations — naturally, the researchers focused on the psychology of evil, which is derived from poneros, the New Testament Greek for “innate evil.” His harrowing story can be read here.
The manuscript, having been burned in Poland, survived only in Lobaczewski’s mind as he immigrated to the U.S. Ironically, unable to get it published
he enlisted the help of his compatriot, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who had just previously served as President Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser and who initially praised the book and promised to help get the book published. Unfortunately, after some time spent corresponding Brzezinski became silent, responding only to the effect that it was a pity it hadn’t worked out. In Łobaczewski’s words, “he strangled the matter, treacherously”.
Not surprising behavior for a tactical genius and probable psychopath, himself.
Bob Altermeyer, like Lobaczewski, has come to similar conclusions in his description of the “Authoritarians” (PDF).
Some notable individuals I suspect of being ”authoritarian” at the very least: Henry Kissinger, George H.W. Bush, Zbiginiew Brzezinski, Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Hank Paulson and yes, the statist messiah, Lord Obama.
Let’s briefly remind ourselves of some of the recent, U.S. perpetrated atrocities (that we know of — there are still a lot of classified files):
The Burning of Samar, Philippine-American War, September-October 1901: “This was one of the worst single atrocities of the Philippine-American War, which was itself one of the worst colonial wars fought by the U.S. government. The U.S. government claims and military sources generally claim about 34,000 Filipino combatant deaths and perhaps 200,000 civilian deaths; estimates based on before- and after-war population counts indicate that as many as a million Filipinos may have been killed in the war and the epidemic cholera outbreak toward its end. U.S. tactics included scorched-earth destruction of villages, mass reprisals and massacres like in Samar, the widespread use of concentration camps (reconcentrados or “protected zones”) for counter-insurgency (one of the major factors in the outbreaks of disease) and the widespread use of torture tactics such as the revival of the medieval/early modern “water cure” torture.” – Charles W. Johnson
Japanese Internment under FDR (1944): Over 100,000 innocent Japanese people put in concentration camps
Nuclear bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki under Truman (1945): At least 200,000 killed and wounded, mostly civilians
Firebombing of Tokyo (esp. Operation Meetinghouse, in the middle of the night March 9-10 1945). “The Tokyo raid has been widely overshadowed because of the later atomic bombings, and because the talk about terror-bombing with incendiary bombs mostly focused on Dresden in the European theater, but the March 9-10 raid is widely considered the most destructive non-nuclear air raid in the history of the earth, burned over 100,000 people to death and left over 1,000,000 people homeless in a single night of firebombing. It was also the inaugural raid of the low-altitude napalm firebombing campaign of 67 cities on the Japanese home islands, between March and August of 1945, which taken as a whole is one of the greatest wartime atrocities in human history.” -CWJ
Bombing of Dresden, also under FDR (1945): Over 20,000 civilians fire bombed
Tuskeegee and Guatemala Syphilis Experiments: Civilians who thought they were getting “free” government healthcare were infected with syphilis. Governments on both sides of the Atlantic were also deeply involved in the Eugenics movement, which involved forced sterilization through prisons, juvenile detention facilities, asylums, and state welfare and medical “aid” programs between 1907-1979. Some state-by-state data compiled here.
Spraying agent orange and seeding landmines throughout Southeast Asia
Operation Northwoods (1962) (Declassified original document): A false flag terror campaign which included blowing up military and civilian machinery to justify an invasion of Cuba. JFK turned down the offer from the Joint Chiefs of Staff — perhaps he wasn’t a psychopath, or was and merely thought this tactic unwise.
MK ULTRA (195?-73): 80 institutions, including 44 colleges and universities, colluded with the CIA in administering drugs without the consent of the subjects and engaging in psychological torture.
Kent State and Jackson State massacres, May 1970: Peaceful student protestors murdered by police and national guard.
Madeleine Albright‘s famous statement that the U.S. imposed 1990s Iraqi economic sanction which led to the death of over 500,000 children was “worth it.” Video. History is repeating in Iran right now.
Invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan with fabricated causes belli: Hundreds of thousands did not survive these imperialist excursions. I think this classic Rumsfeld video sums it up nicely.
Illegal drone killings: Over 300 children killed in Pakistan alone. Obama appeared to cry for the Sandy Hook children (N=20), but none for the hundreds or thousands he’s ultimately responsible for killing. Illegal operations are also ongoing in Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan and likely elsewhere. Also see the widely acclaimed report, Living Under Drones.
Note: The CIA killed Anwar al-Awlaki, a radical Muslim propagandist and U.S. native living abroad in Yemen. Then, two weeks later, they drone struck his 16 year old son, Denver-native Abdulrahman, on his way to a barbecue. Neither the father nor the son were provided due process — Bush tortured, Obama just kills.
When prompted for an explanation, former White House Press Secretary and MSNBC contributor Robert Gibbs simply stated that Abdulmahman “should [have] had a more responsible father.” (Seriously, here’s the video).
You can bet if the kid’s name had been Timmy Johnson things would be different.
Hopefully I have convinced you that our rulers are psychopaths and that the lack of empathy and aptitude for manipulation are advantageous for ambitious politicians. Psychopaths are drawn to power and rise to the top in hierarchies.
That being said, it’s not even necessary that our rulers actually be psychopaths. Supposedly “normal” individuals commit hideous atrocities when given orders by an authority figure, propagandized, or put in a position of power. Abu Grahib, the Stanford Prison Experiment, Stanley Milgram’s Shock Experiment, and any of the myriad wartime slaughter of innocents is sufficient to bolster this case:
Power is not to be conquered, it is to be destroyed. It is tyrannical by nature, whether exercised by a king, a dictator or an elected president. The only difference with the parliamentarian “democracy” is that the modern slave has the illusion of choosing the master he will obey. The vote has made him an accomplice to the tyranny that oppresses him. He is not a slave because masters exist; masters exist because he elects to remain a slave. -Jean Francois Brient
Judge Uses Electroshock in Court on Suspect, like a live Milgram experiment
You have probably heard of the Milgram Experiment. Stanly Milgram wanted to see how obedient ordinary people were to authority figures. So he got participants to sign up for an experiment on learning.
The unwitting participants were given control over an electric shocker. The nodes were hooked up to an actor who the participants thought was also a random participant. The participant was supposed to deliver a shock everytime the actor got a question wrong, but there wasn’t really any electricity. The experiment was to see if the participant would continue delivering electric shocks to the point of harm, just because a man in a lab coat told them to continue.
And they did. Milgram wrote:
I set up a simple experiment at Yale University to test how much pain an ordinary citizen would inflict on another person simply because he was ordered to by an experimental scientist.
Stark authority was pitted against the subjects’ [participants’] strongest moral imperatives against hurting others, and, with the subjects’ [participants’] ears ringing with the screams of the victims, authority won more often than not.
The extreme willingness of adults to go to almost any lengths on the command of an authority constitutes the chief finding of the study and the fact most urgently demanding explanation.’
But it turns out, this doesn’t just happen in set up experiments. It is also happening in American courtrooms.
Some suspects are fitted with electric shock vests at trials if they are deemed a flight risk or risk to others. But the shocks are supposed to only be used in case of an emergency.
A judge used the shock vest on one subject who refused to answer his questions. But did the judge issue the shocks himself? No. He ordered the bailiff to do so. And of course, the bailiff complied.
Gallagher ordered a bailiff to administer the electric shocks on the first day of his trial. When Gallagher asked Morris for his plea, guilty or not guilty. Morris refused to answer the question…
When Morris continued to talk, Gallagher instructed the bailiff to activate the stun belts around Morris’ legs.
Gallagher asked Morris twice more if he was going to follow the rules. When Morris did not provide a plea, Gallagher said to the bailiff, “Hit him,” according to the appeals court ruling.
The bailiff pressed the button that was to send the electric shock through Morris’ body. Gallagher asked him again if he was going to comply. Morris told him he had a history of mental illness. Gallagher ordered another shock.
“Hit him again,” Gallagher said.
When Morris contended he was being “tortured” for seeking a recusal, Gallagher, according to the appeals court, ordered the bailiff to do it again: “Would you hit him again?” …
The appeals court said that 50,000 volts can have cognitive impairment effects on a defendant. Morris’ condition after the three shocks was not reported in the court’s opinion, however…
After enduring the 50,000-volt shocks, Morris was apparently too scared to return to the courtroom and actually did not attend the remainder of his own trial. He appealed his conviction, alleging Gallagher violated his constitutional rights by repeatedly shocking him for failing to answer questions while showing no signs of becoming violent or being a flight risk.
The Texas Eighth Court of Appeals in El Paso handed down its ruling on Feb. 28. Texas Lawyer first reported the ruling Tuesday. The ruling said judges are not permitted to shock defendants who won’t answer questions or don’t follow the court’s rules of decorum.
“While the trial court’s frustration with an obstreperous defendant is understandable, the judge’s disproportionate response is not. We do not believe that trial judges can use stun belts to enforce decorum,” Justice Yvonne T. Rodriguez said of Gallagher’s actions in the court’s opinion.
“A stun belt is a device meant to ensure physical safety; it is not an operant conditioning collar meant to punish a defendant until he obeys a judge’s whim. This Court cannot sit idly by and say nothing when a judge turns a court of law into a Skinner Box, electrocuting a defendant until he provides the judge with behavior he likes,” Rodriguez wrote.
Milgram originally carried out the study to try to understand why Nazis had been so compliant in committing atrocities during WWII.
The fact that this is happening currently in American courtrooms is not a good sign.
You don’t have to play by the rules of the corrupt politicians, manipulative media, and brainwashed peers.
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