Hello Dear Readers;
Tonight for You are two old movies that predate Stanley Kubrick’s infamous 1999 “Eyes Wide Shut”…that Conspiracy Researchers borrow images from and use repeatedly like clones to show like Kubrick did trying to expose what the wealthy ruling “Elites” in High Society do and live like hidden from Societies of Working Class folk beneath them.
However, this is NOT a new Idea in film…and to prove it, here are two old films that show all that “Eyes Wide Shut” illustrates about High Society long before Kubrick’s 1999 movie that gets cited ad nauseum by twits calling themselves “ConspirA$$y Researchers.”
(I wonder personally when the last time was they had an Original Thought if they ever had one… sooo boooring…)
First is the silent 1929 film:
This was based on an old fictional novel by A.W. Merritt by the same title.
It deals with Secret Societies within the infrastructure of High Society and Cabals existent there in real history operating behind the scenes…Shadow Government ala’ Oligarchy !
Whoopee !!!
In this film, a young spoiled and pampered “Elite” man wants to have expensive wasteful adventures in exotic places like countless such young men born into wealth with a silver spoon up their ass.Always at the expense of Working Class taxpayer Citizens…
However, in the movie, his wealthy CEO Uncle has other plans for him to work for him, and he takes the young buffoon on a strange journey that takes him to a strange mansion just like “Eyes Wide Shut” full of mystery, intrigues, and occult activities like the Tom Cruise character…
The movie varies quite a bit from the novel by Merritt, but it shows how 1920’s Hollywood already had a corrupt and very wealthy High Society faction deeply into their own intrigues, guile, deceit, and the occult.
In the movie, the young sucker’s girlfriend/fiancé is in guile and deception as part of his Uncle’s plots unknown to the buffoon…which takes him into what REALLY goes on in High Society gatherings like their MASQUERADE RITUALS that date back to Venetian Black Nobility after the Fall of Rome circa 740 AD and Rome itself indeed…
The young man meets Courtiers of his Uncle and it reveals high technology used in their Rituals in conjunction with ancient artifact objects from the Antiquities of Time…this was in 1929 no less… imagine 2025 now...
Next is the first and only Cecil B. DeMille 1930 Musical, one year after “Seven Footprints To Satan“, titled:MADAM SATAN
In this film, it opens with an image of a bird in a gilded cage, which as mind control researchers know implies MK Programming of female and male victims to become Monarch Beta Operatives as Sex Slaves who later become groomed “Stars” in Hollywood, Film Industry Globally, and the Music Industry.
This reveals in both films that mind control tactics used to this day are very old and were known in Hollywood in the Roaring 20’slong before the full fruition of the Tavistock Institute in London which was birthed in 1922 the same year in Germany as the occult Vril Gesselschaft was founded tied to Nazi Occultism…
Don’t think so…
These movies reveal that mind control tactics like this predate the CIA/MI6 MK-Ultra Program birthed in 1953, and later Monarch with all their subsidiary Programs in mind control…
WHERE do YOU think that the Tavistock Institute and MK-Ultra got their bag of dirty MK tricks anyway as to the MK used in the Entertainment Industry 24/7 on “Stars“?
In Fact, it was the old Sabbatean/Frankist Jewish Sects that came out to Los Angeles fleeing Copyright Infringement Lawsuits for illegal use of film technology by Thomas Edison,it was they were WHO set up Hollywood and Los Angeles as the super city in Western America in Californication and were very well versed in occultism of their Rabbis’ Kabala where “Cabal” comes from linguistically as a group of Conspirators who plot wicked Agendas…
like the Jewish Sanhedrin of the Bipartisan Politic/Religion in Jesus’ times… Divide and Conquer, Babydoll…
I tell You ALL that where many outsider poseur researchers try to tell people that Hollywood learned mind control MK from the Tavistock Institute in London, with 50’s MK-Ultra and the CIA/MI6...
Quite the Opposite in Fact.Some of You are no doubt thinking
“Where did the mind control MK come from then, wiseass?”
Really wanna’ know?Go take a smoke or coffee break and read on…
MK-Ultra and the Tavistock Institute learned a LOT of their MK Programming from:
1. Agents Coadjutor of the Jesuits of the Vatican, and;
2. Talmudic Sabbatean/Frankist Rabbis who taught the old Jewish moguls of Hollywood their occult Mind Kontrol/MK tactics to groom “Stars” in their religious/racial/cultural Good Ol’ Boy System…
What’s interesting in 1929 “Seven Footprints To Satan” is a darkly prophetic statement of the holocaustic burning of Dresden in Germany in WWIIas a retaliatory act of revenge by Talmudic Jewry who were there exposed in their decadent dealings in Finance and Corruption there, and deposed.
Thus Dresden was made a burnt human Sacrifice to their Moloch in WWII later in time…
(Usury is an ancient monetary practice of the Jews in Fractional Debt they got from Babylon and carried on in Jesus‘ times that he condemned as the money-changers He kicked out of the 2nd Temple to NOW in International Banking… they were WHO financed Hollywood into existence largely with the Vatican…)
In 1930 “Madam Satan” besides the Fact that it exposes old mind control tactics in Hollywood and High Society on Women, and condones and glorifies Adultery…the plot takes place on a Zeppelin that’s struck by lightning and people there at a floating world High Society Party and MASQUERADE RITUAL again who have to escape the burning craft in terror…
This movie was made in 1930 showing the destruction of a huge Zeppelin aircraft before the May 6th, 1937 Hindenburg Disaster of that doomed and burning Zeppelin craft likely taken out by controlled demolition and planted explosives…was the movie prophetic… or exposing in arrogant triumph the hidden Occult Agendas of the “Elites”?
You decide…
What becomes clear here are two “Eyes Wide Shut” movies that show explicitly HOW the “Elites” operate in their High Society World of illusionary Ivory Towers of Castles, Chateaus, and Mansions that common Society is kept from seeing or being part of…
The Roaring 20’s was the Prohibition Era that featured Bootleg Booze and Black Marketing and the HUGE rise of Alcoholism Globally but especially in America…identically like the FRAUD “War on Drugs” that began in the 1980’s that saw the HUGE rise in Drug Addictions and the “sudden appearance” of:
1. Crack Cocaine
2. Dirty Methamphetamine
3. Brownstone Heroin
And in the 80’s too, along came the amazing rise of Prisons as a HUGE Industry in America and Globally, and the breaking of the Parole Board in many States that opted for Mandatory Minimum Sentencing that destroys any Judicial consideration of the Defendant‘s circumstancesand instead Sentences them to huge Prison Bits whereby they as Inmate must do the Minimum Sentence for each Charge…
Coincidence ?
The Roaring 20’s and Decadence saw the rise of Hollywood’s “Golden Era” in that time of American film production known as “Pre-Code Hollywood” before censors labeled films.
This was a time when values like Marriage and Family were attacked freely by Hollywood and Adultery was condoned as the norm and OK with women’s issues and rabid feminism explored along with aggressive and sick sexuality in twisted and blatant plots and screenplays…
Films in this time were frequently very sexually suggestive with provocatively seductive situations in plots and screenplays, displaying women and men as scantily clad to full nudity in suggestive and seductive plots with attendant images with erotic spoken screenplay dialogue after Silent Films ended…
All this was before the late 1930 Motion Picture Production Code that ran from 1930 to 1968, also called the “Hays Code” named after Hollywood’s chief censor of the time;William Harrison “Willy” Hays, who was the 46th Postmaster General in America, then hired as lackey President of the Motion Pictures Producers and Distributors of America (MPPDA).
This bunk censorship outfit designed to pervert and assault the First Amendment to the US Constitution, came into being out of pre-planned public outcry against Hollywood and World Film Industry corruption and graft in the wake of the Roscoe “Fatty” Arbuckle rape and murder scandal that took place in 1921 that exposed rape and murder in Hollywood as early as the Roaring 20’s.
(The Same Time as the 20’s creation of the Tavistock Institute in the UK, and the occult Vril Gesselschaft in Germany… funny all those “co-inky-dink” coincidences… or synchronicities, oui?)
The Arbuckle Case was where a very famous MK Sex Kitten bit player model/actress named Virginia Rappe who was suffering from the 1920’s type trauma-based mind control MK and was a “Kitten” who suffered illnesses from it,was also prone to alcohol to escape her life like many female and male “Stars” today who use drugs and booze to escape Reality from being abused in physical trauma and rape
like the late Corey Haim (RIP) of the 1980’s Vampire film “Lost Boys” being used by the Entertainment Industry thusly…
or the UK’s lil’ dope fiend Party Girl, “Superstar” model Kate Moss, whose Rockin‘ Out partying is Urban Legend worldwide and very influential on young girls to be like her about like the famed MK Kitten Pop “Superstar” Britney Spears…
Ms. Rappe was at a party that Arbuckle a Hollywood “Star” then threw at his Suite #1219, who was later implicated and charged with drugging Ms. Rappe with Morphine, and raping her brutally and viciously beating her, with blows like kneeing her midsection hard, where she died of trauma caused by a ruptured bladder and secondary perontitis, indicating she was poisoned and drugged.
She clearly died of a violent sexual assault by Hollywood Mogul who had it blamed on mentally handicapped actor “Fatty” Arbuckle then a famed Comedian Actor making $1 Million a year by 1918 under Contract in Hollywood…some Hollywood “Elite” who did this criminal act with Arbuckle as Fall Guy… like Hollywood NOW.
(imagine how much money that $1 Million was in the 1920’s… and think of “Stars” today… it only costs their Souls to be “Stars”…hell, Satan doesn‘t have to buy Souls today in 2025…
lots of fools give them away cheap to get theirs to just serve the Satan they adore)
“Fatty” Arbuckle had three highly publicized Manslaughter (not 1st Degree Murder???) Trials and was Acquitted through Bribes and Blackmail,but his films were ostracized and banned publicly thereafter…
The public was outraged and Hollywood had to do something fast in response…
Arbuckle was himself a shy MK’d man who was clearly traumatized himself in old Sabbatean MK tactics of the Director’s Couch for BOTH men and women to be a slave to the Entertainment Industry like “Stars” today…he was further slammed in exaggerated and slanderous stories by yellow journalism magnate William Randolph Hearst who boasted of defaming Arbuckle that it quote;
“sold more newspapers than any event since the sinking of the RMS Lusitania”.
(Note that “Elite” William Randolph Hearst was the 33rd Degree Freemason who also created the Post-WWII Religion Ecumenical Superstar;
Billy Graham, his 33rd Degree Masonic Brother.
And fellow Freemason Orson Welles’ 1941 film classic “Citizen Kane” was based on Hearst’s life as a mock tribute to him by Welles…talk about some “Elite“ ass-kissing… but hey…
in Hollywood and Big Record Labels, people gotta‘ give a Head to get Ahead.)
The woman who accused Arbuckle, was one Maude Delmont, who had a career in criminal convictions she easily got out of (?) for racketeering, bigamy, fraud, and extortion that are used by Entertainment Industry “Elites” to keep “Stars” in line to this day…
Arbuckle had been the actual Fall Guy for some Hollywood Producer or Hollywood Elite who raped and murdered Ms. Rappe…one Grace Huttson a local nurse testified lying under Oath it was very likely that Arbuckle or whoever did it raped and beat Ms. Rappe.
Arbuckle was banned from films by the quickly created MPPDA that came into being to calm and appease the angry public and quiet down and misdirect and/or stop any valid research into the Hollywood Occult “Elites” world as it was and IS.
Arbuckle made a small comeback years later in 1932 and died of a strange heart attack age 46 and was cremated and his ashes scattered in the Pacific Ocean…
(Kind of reminds me of recent Hollywoods Outcasts rejected and blacklisted by Industry “Elites“;
Mel Gibson and Wesley Snipes…
funny sense of familiarity there how the Hollywood CEO “Elites” need Fall Guys for their crimes always to burn with their petty ass blame-throwers… )
Ms. Virginia Rappe the victim was born to unwed mother, and raised in Chicago by grandmother who sold her off as a young girl slave into Modeling, and she had at least two abortions by age 15.
She was relocated to San Francisco to be a Model then moved to Hollywood by 1917 to be a Bit Player and Sex Kitten obviously…she was “hired” by Director Fred Balshofer and given a role in his famed silent “Hollywood Garden” opposite olde MK “Star” Harold Lockwood who died young (?) in 1918...
Needless to say the Hollywood young people mortality rate was very high even before the 1920’s with expendable “Stars” like today…
Fake “Martyrdom” deaths contrived make huge moola $$$ after young pretty “Stars” die under “mysterious circumstances”, like the young recent Big Record Label singer Amy Winehouse, who joined the infamous 27 Club in death… (RIP)
Later Ms. Rappe had a child by 1918, and starred with early gay drag queen cross-dress performer Julian Eltinge (who was snuffed in 1941 to silence him of an alleged “cerebral hemorrhage”),and then newcomer Rudolph Valentino in “Over the Rhine” and awarded Title “Best Dressed Girl In Pictures” but the film was not released until 1920 under new title “An Adventuress” and later in 1922 as “The Isle Of Love”.
By 1919, Ms. Rappe began relationship with Director/Producer Henry Lehrman.She was in four of his movies;
“His Musical Sneeze”,
“A Twilight Baby”
“Punch of the Irish”
“A Game Lady”
So Virginia Rappe was NOT a Hollywood lightweight actress.
Hollywood created the MPPDA and censorship to placate/appease the public and misdirect to put journalists, the FBI, and police off any research into the vice and corruption there among Hollywood “Elites” as a Public Relations ploy and Hays was a purr-fect sucker of “high morals” to lead this outfit to cast a nice light on the American Entertainment Industry.
As to the 1930 Motion Picture Production Code itself, it was authored by an alleged laity Catholic really a Temporal Jesuit Coadjutor named Martin Quigley,who was Editor of the Motion Picture Herald, a prominent trade paper, and his master the Jesuit Priest, Father Daniel A. Lord,
who graduated from Loyola University in 1909, then entered the Jesuit “Society of Jesus” at St. Stanislaus Seminary in Florissant, Missouri, and was ordained as Priest in 1923.
Fr. Lord was also National Director of the Sodality of Our Lady “Congregationes seu sodalitates B. Marae Virginis” founded in 1563 by young Belgian Jesuit, Jean Leunis, at the Collegio Romano of the Society of Jesus/Jesuits in Rome.It was established for young boys (ala‘ Paedophilia), and the Papal Bull, “Superna Dispositione“, allowed for Sodalities for adults under the Authority of the Society of Jesus/Jesuits.
And its female version is the Children of Mary also Jesuit controlled.
Sodality is:Mariolatry/Babylon/Semiramis/Isis Queen of Heaven worship Religion by the way.
(Plus SODOMY of Children)
Daniel Aloysius Lord went on to work for Cecil B. DeMille for his 1927 silent religious movie “King of Kings” that was imitated later in film very much, despite its Vatican/Jesuit overtones of spiritual feces=SHIT.
Then Cecil B. DeMille later went on to produce his nasty and kinky Pre-Code 1930 “Madam Satan”…real religious Jesuit Coadjutor guy who went on to produce his famed 1950’s “Ten Commandments”
chock full of Jesuit and Masonic images and tricks of subtle perversion about Moses‘ life in Exodus so much that anytime people think of the Biblical Moses they see actor Charleton Heston images in their minds…
Later, Jesuit Fr. Lord began the Production Code in 1929 bolstered by no less than his Cardinal, George Mundelein of the Archdiocese in Chicago as Papal Legate.
There are ONLY 200 Cardinals on Earth at any one time… that’s heavy Vatican clout.
So it’s clear the Talmudic/Zohar Sabbatean/Frankist Jews are strange Ecumenical bedfellows with the Vatican’s Jesuits and Knights of Malta/SMOM as to the Entertainment Industry long BEFORE 50’s MK-Ultra and the 1920’s Tavistock Institute in London.
The original “Seven Footprints To Satan” was an Italian film production in the 20’s tied to Rome and Vatican hidden Agendas later edited for English…so the original film was in Italian for Readers who understand this language…
This article’s Point is that mind control by trauma was a staple in the Entertainment Industry in Vaudeville and Burlesque BEFORE Hollywood and Film Globally,
and long BEFORE the rise of the 1920’s Tavistock Institute tied to British Intelligence MI5-SS and MI6-SIS as well as long before 1950’s CIA/MI6 MK-Ultra then Monarch…
This ALL came from Ancient Mystery Rites of the “Elites” going back into the Antiquities of Civilizations and Empires in history…
The Black Nobility and their cohorts in crime, their “Elite” Courtiers,are exactly like the Pharaohs of Egypt and Rulers of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome…
and so on in human history to NOW…
The Royal Black Nobility/Papal Black Nobility/Sabbatean-Frankist Banking “Elite” families know all this from childhood,and have it as an exact Royal Art/Science and modern versions of MK are just like Freemasonry is as the “Poor Man‘s Oligarcy”.
Monarch MK and its forerunners are the “Poor Man’s Mind Kontrol/MK” tactics done often combining modern high technology with ancient practiceskept Secret under pain of horrible death by the “Elites”…
What is MK/Mind Kontrol now is by their Sanction and Permission,as much as they choose to let out to their Courtier lackeys to teach them Occult MK as Initiates their Svengali Game
and watching the Poor Man’s MK in action on its countless victims to refine their own Ancient Religious MK Practices
is all to remain top of the pyramid of deceit and authority to rule humanity again by two means of Authority:
1. Permission by Deceit
2. Theft by Force
For You REAL Researchers out there…You will never get it if You keep playing their Game of Masonic Chess trying to beat them at it…
That’s like a rank Amateur Chess Player trying to beat a Chess Champion like Bobby Fischer in essence…Your ass is toast out the chute playing their Game trying to beat them…
You have to throw out their 8x8 Dualistic Left-Brain Linear Chess Board in Dualistic Black-n-White they play BOTH Parts in LHP=RHP=Gnostic Dualism,and You have to take up a Game they do NOT know nor can they play like Backgammon or better,
Asian Go that has a 19x19 Grid which is as much as the human eyes and brain can take in peripheral sight and working with in the human mind.
How much more is say the 19x19 Go Grid than am 8x8 Chess/Checker Board?
You tell me.
Further, the Producer of “Seven Footprints To Satan” also produced “Haxan” a notorious film about the history of Witchcraft in olde Europe… and so this is for You the Readers to watch below at end of this article below:Au Revoir for now and have a nice Noir/Night.
(PS… I know this article’s content sets against a lot of what a lot of outsider researchers have sought to expose in MK/Mind Kontrollike constantly quoting Fritz Springmeier’s books like they’re the Bible of MK/Mind Kontrol, whose texts only touched the surface, frankly…
These researcher units being from the far outside of the “Elites” world hidden NEVER having done even one Occult Ritual ever getting their hands dirty in their arrogance and self-righteous conceit,trying hard in fruitless attempts to look in and try to spy on the “Elites” hidden occult world uninvited through deliberately set up smoke and mirrors designed to such misdirect people anyway…
thus they miss one hell of a LOT, and they end up making shitty bad guesses at best as crappy “ConspirA$$y Theories” in FantA$$y La-La-Land like bad Sci Fry authors,they imagine and conjure things in their vain egotistic imaginations like a bad wet dream, to conclude with lousy loud HYPEothesis pronouncements
to allegedly expose the horrific ConspirA$$y of the “Elites“, often deliberately to deceive or cause fear-mongering…
They often use a Lake of Truth to hide an Ounce of Poison…
That ends up being unconscious or willful Shillcraft to misdirect which pleases the “Elites”…
or the actual Shills out there doing deliberate misdirection consciously as Alternative News “Stars” who talk a lot of BULLSHIT…
and let’s not to forget all those pseudonym Moderator ConspirA$$y Sites of cowardly lying slime who hide WHO they really are under fake-ass names/identities on their CONspirA$$y websitesand SkrewYouTube channels telling Lame-A$$ LIES to their followers/disciples,
saying the reason they hide their real identities is because the Boogie Man is after them so they gotta’ hide out under a Masque just like the “Elites” do themselves 24/7 they say they are “exposing“ yet are ACTING just like them like bad Theatre...
Smells like gefilte fish to me,or maybe they’re Homeland Security NSA/FBI/CIA/MI5/MI6/Mossad SHILLS likely…
Lions, Tigers, and Bears Oooh! boo-hoo BULLSHIT…
to those units… go f**k Yourselves, poseurs.)
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