Charles Manson, a programmed Monarch slave who received initial programming at China Lake, lived with his cult only 45 miles north-west of China Lake at the remote Myers and Barker ranches. Scotty’s Castle in Death Valley,
Bakersfield, Edwards AFB, and Papa Ludo’s Store & Tavern (with its secret underground programming center) are all in the vicinity of China Lake and have all been programming sites too.
Old route 66 went by China Lake, which now is just off U.S. 395. The area’s tavern has been named the Hideaway. The building was low, away from the highway, with a large unlit parking lot. Only people who knew how to enter it by the obscure entrance on the side could get in.
The Hideaway Tavern has been a local hangout for the CIA men in China Lake. It has served them excellent steaks.
The base headquarters is known as the White House, and it looks somewhat like a yacht clubhouse. Northwest of the airfield, at 39-64 & 4-33 E on the quad maps, the government has built a large magical seal of Solomon (hexagram) with each leg 1/4 mile long on the ground.
What was it like for a victim in the early 1950’s in a NOTS area programming center?
One of the buildings in the area used for programming was described as having a flat roof and a tan exterior. A fence ran around the building. Inside the front door was an old oak reception type desk.
A series of 3 doors connected by tunnels were gone through. One entered into a hallway, and then took a left into the programming room. Tunnels connected the different hallways.
The programming room was painted a good dissociative color white. In the middle of the room, cages were suspended with chimps.
The examining table was metal, which was cold for the victim, but easy to wash for the attendants.
The victim was placed in cages and could observe white dots light up in different dot patterns over the door on a panel of lights.
The low level shocks to the victim were coordinated with the dot patterns. (Some of this relates to domino programming.)
An attendant monitored the entire scenario on charts, while the child was repeatedly traumatized with low-voltage shocks.
Needles were poked in the child, the room was made dark and then lit. Voices said, “Love me, love me not.” This was part of the love me, don’t love me part of programming. “Good girls ride the silvery wings.”
This was to build the ability to condition trancing by the victim upon electro-shock.
German & British scientists/mind control programmers came to NOTS after W.W. II, including Joseph Mengele (known as Dr. Green, or Greenbaum, and other pseudonyms).
The Illuminati’s Dr. Black worked out of China Lake also. Dr. White (Dr. Ewin Cameron) worked on the east coast, although he did fly in every so often to the west coast to meet with the other top programmers.
Dr. Blue was another of the important leading Illuminati programmers. These top programmers supervised other lesser programmers.
If something went wrong, they might fly a child from a programming location to a specialist to get it special help for its programming.
The men and women of the Illuminati helped the top programmers out.
The Grande Mothers, and the Grande Masters of the Illuminati participated in helping with the programming.
As a child of the Illuminati progressed through its programming, three people had oversight over its programming: its Grande Mother, its Grande Dame, and the Programmer.
The Illuminati functions off a chain of command similar to the military. (In fact a big secret is that Satan’s realm actually served as the model for military and political structures.)
As a child begins its programming, it is monitored in a fashion similar to hospitals where charts are filled and then these charts are filed. Tests and evaluations are done regularly.
Goals are set which are six month programming goals. These will say in effect, we need to accomplish this by doing a, b, c, d in the next six months.
This is somewhat similar to an I.E.P. (individual education plan) which the special-ed teachers in Oregon set up for each student.
At some point, the strong points and the weaknesses of the child will be identified, and then a decision will be made as to what occupation the Illuminati want to program the person to become.
If the young boy is aggressive and has sadistic tendencies, the Illuminati call it “a war monger” and label its chart “This child will be a general.” Then they proceed to program it to become a general.
Nurses, teachers, and child physicians must be programmed with a gentleness to their System.
Other occupations, such as lawyers can be allowed to be ruthless.
Many of the children have religious fronts labelled for their programming, and a very popular occupation for Illuminati men is to become clergymen.
Religious leaders make up the majority of fathers of Monarch survivors that have sought help.
Most Illuminati victims have parents who are important religious leaders, many of them top clergymen in the established churches.
As the reader might expect, some tortures require that the child victim’s temperature, respiration, pulse and blood pressure be closely monitored.
The basis for the success of the Monarch mind-control programming is that different personalities or personality parts called alters can be created who do not know each other, but who can take the body at different times.
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The amnesia walls that are built by traumas, form a protective shield of secrecy that protects the abusers from being found out, and prevents the front personalities who hold the body much of the time to know how their System of alters is being used.
The shield of secrecy allows cult members to live and work around other people and remain totally undetected.
The front alters can be wonderful Christians, and the deeper alters can be the worst type of Satanic monster imaginable--a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde effect.
A great deal is at stake in maintaining the secrecy of the intelligence agency or the occult group which is controlling the slave. The success rate of this type of programming is high but when it fails, the failures are discarded through death.
Each trauma and torture serves a purpose. A great deal of experimentation and research went into finding out what can and can’t be done.
Charts were made showing how much torture a given body weight at a given age can handle without death.
Now this is why the Nazis did all those strange concentration camp experiments, where they tested how quickly people would freeze or die from various traumas.
It was for mind control!
The abusers are very specific and scientific in their torture.
A lab technician with a clip board walks around monitoring the e for the children when they receive their initial traumas. Heart monitors are closely watched.
Still many children died from the programming. The programmers learned that when a child rolled up in a fetal position it had given up the will to live.
They learned to time how fast this would occur to get an idea how far to push the child. Parents in eastern United States were taken to Harvard University for training to teach them how much trauma they could give their children at home before they would die.
After the children got back from their initial programming they were to receive daily traumas to keep them dissociative.
The primary or initial torture for many children in western U.S. was done at China Lake which officially has gone under the designations Naval Ordinance Test Station (pronounced in short as NOTS), Naval Weapons Center, NWC, Ridgecrest (the town nearby), and Inyo-kern (the area). the address of Nimitz Hospital is the code “232 Naval Air Weapons Station”. The base was set up to test “new weapons”.
Evidently, the Navy decided that mind controlled people were an important weapon to test.
Most of the “new weapons” created at China Lake were for the most part human robots turned out in large numbers.
The Monarch Mind Control was carried out in large airplane hangers on the base which have been able to house thousands of tiny cages just large enough for human babies.
Lots of 1,000 babies was a small batch.
According to people who worked in the hangers helping program, many batches were 2,000 or 3,000 babies.
Many survivors remember the thousands of cages housing little children from ceiling to floor.
The cages were hot wired (electrified on the ceiling, bottom and sides) so that the children who are locked inside can receive horrific electric shocks to their bodies to groom their minds to split into multiple personalities.
These cages are called Woodpecker Grids.
The victim sees a flash of light when high D.C. voltage is applied. Later, this flash of light is used with hypnotic induction to make the person think they are going into another dimension when they are blasted with high voltage.
In the Peter Pan programming, the Programmers tell the slaves that this is “riding the light.” One of the popular traumas after the small child has endured the Woodpecker Grid cages for days is to rape it.
The rape is intentionally brutal so that it will be as traumatic as possible.
Many of the technical people on the base are civilians.
This is in part because part of the research involves mind-control, and Illuminati civilian mind-control experts have come and gone from the base.
The California Institute of Technology at Pasadena is intimately connected to China Lake’s research (and by the way to the Illuminati).
Also much of the work at the facility is for the intelligence agencies and not the military. Intelligence assets are often civilians.
One of the things developed in the California Universities and then implemented at China Lake was color programming, which will be covered later in this work.
Red and green were discovered to be the most visible colors for programming. Various colored flashing lights were used in programming at NOTS.
Survivors of the programming all remember flashing lights.
The use of flashing strobe lights like music concerts has been introduced into American culture by the CIA.
If a person goes into bars and places where bands play, you will notice multi-colored lights flashing. The flashing lights create disassociation, especially in people who are programmed.
A list of major programming centers is given in an appendix, along with each site’s programming specialties.
An example of just one of the bases used for early programming is given, the large and very secret China Lake facility in California near Death Valley.
The abducted children are brought into the China Lake NWC (aka NOTS) base by trains, planes and cars.
A number of the small airfields which fly these children into China Lake have been identified. One, which is no longer in use for moving children, was a private air strip at Sheridan, OR which was beside a large lumber mill.
The lumber mill had an agreement to secretly house the children who had their mouths taped. Neighbors in the area were bought off, and warned that if they talked they would be in trouble for breaching national security.
The area has lots of mills joined by train tracks, which were used to shuttle the children around.
Tied into this network was a Catholic Monastery which lies between Sheridan and McMinnville, close to the rail network.
The Union Train Station in Portland, OR has underground tunnels where children were temporarily warehoused in cages before continuing on their journey.
The Jesuits were active in this part of the child procurement.
Catholic adoption agencies (which are many), nuns who get pregnant, third world parents, and parents who will sell their children were all sources of children for programming.
When one thinks about how many corrupt people there are and how many towns and cities are on the West Coast, and how many children are produced by Satanic breeders, illegal aliens and other parents who’d rather have the money than children and the reader begins to realize how procuring batches of 1,000 or 2,000 children was no problem for the Illuminati working through intelligence agencies such as the CIA, NIS, DIA, FBI, and FEMA.
The Finders, a joint CIA/FBI group procured children for the Network for years. Some of the children needed for programming are to be used for sacrifices to traumatize those being programmed.
(The names of some of the people who work at procuring children for programming/sacrifice were even once released in SHILL Victor Schoof=Fritz Springmeier’s monthly newsletter.)
The secret FEMA airstrip at Santa Rosa has planes landing and leaving all night. Some of these flights go east and then land at the secret 1800-square-mile China Lake Naval Research Base, and are believed to carry children for programming. This airstrip is called the SANTA ROSA AIR CENTER.
When I tried to get FAA information on this airstrip decades ago, they played stupid as if it didn’t exist, yet it was in operation.
Near Santa Rosa is the Bohemian Grove. Southwest of Santa Rosa is this air center which is not used by the public.
This airport was recently used by private pilots as a F.B.O. It was built during W.W. II as a training base for P-32 pilots, and deactivated in 1952. After the war, it was leased to private companies (such as the CIA).
The paved areas are 4’ of concrete and can land the heaviest planes in use. There are no buildings over two stories in the entire area, and no control tower.
The FBI have a contingent in the Federal building downtown Santa Rosa, and “FEMA” has a radio station at the airport.
The Army reserve also has some buildings in the area.
However, there is some highly secret activity going on underground at the airport.
6-7 small planes sneak out of the closed base a day, and for a base of its description that is closed, that is very interesting.
The planes take off in the evening and do not turn their lights on until hundreds of feet into the air.
The Press Democrat of Santa Rosa ran an article on Thurs., Apr. 22, 1993 about the Federal government selling 70 acres of property just to the east of the airport.
However, when one reads closely, the land is going to be offered to a host of Federal agencies.
The property was “being used by FEMA” (707-542-4534). If one thinks about it, it is unlikely that the radio station is a FEMA transmitter station.
The close vicinity of this secret activity to the elite’s Bohemian Grove makes this an interesting site for study.
The airport used for the Bohemian Grove visitors is north of Santa Rosa on hwy 101, the Sonoma County Airport. United Express and American Eagle (which flies to and from San Jose) fly into this airport, which has a control tower.
In 1964, the airport was reported to have also carried about 600 military operations (either a takeoff or landing) per year.
It was around this time that the Federal government made an agreement with Sonoma County Airport to help pay for the runway to be extended, the runway to be strengthened and the airport to be upgraded in numerous ways.
The elite from around the world fly into here to go to the Bohemian Grove, which is in the Monte Rio area.
Monarch slaves are regularly abused at the Grove for the entertainment of Bohemian Grove members in kinky sex theme rooms, such as the dark room and the necrophilia room.
Secret NWO order business is conducted in the small, dark lounge with a wooden sign naming it U.N.DERGROUND. Slaves are hunted in the woods for sport, and occult rituals, including infant sacrifice, are held outdoors in the Grove.
These airfields are described in detail so that the reader can begin to catch on to the network of small planes and airfields the Monarch system uses to transport children.
The children are trickled in from various collection points to China Lake.
Monarch slaves, many of them children themselves are used in this extensive child procurement system.
Children are also used to entice and kidnap other children.
Teenage slaves are used to escort and transport little children on trains, buses, and planes.
The triangular-shaped airfield at China Lake has traditionally begun very early in the morning with lots of activity.
The night flights from FEMA’s Santa Rosa airfield being an example of incoming flights. The airfield connects to the main base area via Sandquist Road. Children are landed at this field, while others are driven through the gates guarded by marines, and others come through via the east-west rail line.
The fact that children are driving through the gates is not alarming because inside the military perimeter is a high school, a junior high school and 3 other schools.
Some of the adults of the children being programmed stay in military barracks (Quonset huts and one story buildings) while they wait.
A male Monarch victim remembers a large hanger building at China Lake with a concrete floor and row after row of cages suspended from the ceiling filling the large building.
One of the Programmers was dressed similar to a Catholic Priest.
The electric current that ran to the cages made a hum, like an electric fence. There was a marble slab that served as an altar where black-hooded robed people would take a bone handled knife and sacrifice little children in front of the other children in the cages. (Memories from other survivors about the place will be mentioned later.)
In recent times, the military and the science of psychology is paying attention to what they call PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder).
PTSD are the psycho-pathic debilitating effects of trauma and chronic nature of reactions to trauma. Intrusive flashbacks of the trauma will occur if the mind doesn’t protect itself from reminders of the trauma.
The mind creates avoidance patterns to protect itself from thinking about the trauma.
Panic symptoms occur when the person undergoes physiological arousal to traumatic cues. A trauma will create a certain “shatteredness” within the victim.
The victim will develop life assumptions about being vulnerable, about having little personal worth, and that life is not fair.
They may develop phobias to constantly check their environment for safety and constantly monitor others to make sure they are not mistreated.
For centuries warfare has taken place, and military men have experienced PTSD.
However, a full description and investigation into the disorder has been done only in recent history.
The U.S. military has prevented any serious counseling for their troops suffering from this.
Peer “counselors” and rap groups were allowed, and misled by the army to believe that they would be adequate.
PTSD will often lead to outbursts of rage, chronic depression, or borderline dysfunctions.
The PTSD in Monarch victims is masked by the MPD/DID and the programming. Then in turn, the programming masks the MPD.
When the programming is complete, front alters have been created which can function with smiles and cheerful attitudes, while underneath, the mind is full of shattered hurting alters, who the slave is unaware of.
Self-punishment and social withdrawal are natural symptoms of PTSD, and the programmers have no trouble enhancing and programming these functions into their alter systems.
Certain alters end up holding the anger, the fear, the social withdrawal, the guilt, and the desire for self-punishment.
These are held in check by the programming, and take the body when the slave steps outside of the programmed path.
The bad memories in the minds of men who suffer from PSTD have been noted to re-cycle and self-perpetuate themselves as they lie unresolved in the memory cells.
Bad memories for the victims of Monarch programming are used to hold the MPD, the programming in place and also to keep the victim in compliance.
In 1954, Maslow published his hierarchy of needs, which when applied to Monarchs and PSTD victims means that they can not progress in therapy until their survival and safety needs are met.
However, the Programmers/abusers know that it is important to keep the slave away from safety.
To this end, the Programmers employ people externally to monitor slaves, and internal alters in the victim’s mind to be monitoring alters and reporting alters.
Reporting alters can always reach the Network of abusers via 1-800 telephone numbers which change every 2 weeks.
They can also call their handler.
Reporting alters are very unemotional and serve as tape recorders which mechanically report any developments that might threaten the programming to their handler.
Alters programmed to commit suicide are also built into the Systems.
For instance, for a system hacker--an outsider-- to work with the alters of an internal Grand Druid Council (aka Executive committee alters, or judge alters) or a System almost insures 99% of the time suicide of the Monarch slave.
In at least 99% of the cases where Monarchs who have come in for therapy, they still lack safety, which is a higher need than trying to go against their programming.
This is why so few people have really gotten free.
To undo the programming, the victim needs safety.
The programmers know this, and have set up almost fail safe methods where the victim is not even safe from their own system of alters, let alone Big Brother.
Therapists call their Monarch victims “survivors” a misnomer, because in reality they are still in the middle of ongoing abuse.
Some therapists may mistakenly think that it is helpful to tell the victim, “These fears you are having are from the past.”
Deliverance ministries may also try to stop the victim’s fears, without understanding the reasons behind the ongoing fear.
Other chapters will deal with the extensive back up methodologies.
At this point, it is mentioned in the context of this chapter to establish to the reader that the abuse and torture continue non-stop.
Some of this would naturally occur anyway, but the Programmers enhance this naturally occurring phenomena many-fold to insure that the slave will continually abuse themselves.
This means as time progresses, some Monarch systems are timed to shatter certain levels & to create new levels.
If the Programmers want, they can shatter a front Christian alter level and create a new level of New Age believing alters to replace the original front.
The abuse can be done by the victim themselves to themselves, because programming alters are given the ability to pull up horrific memories via codes.
Those traumatic memories, which shattered the mind the first time, are still capable of doing it again when they are abreacted (that is relived by the body & mind).
More and more people are experiencing working with someone with multiple personalities. However, very few multiples ever discover more than the front parts of their systems.
Very few people, outside of the programmers, have much idea of what an entire system of alters is like, therefore some of the things that this work will describe will seem foreign to those people who have learned a little about multiplicity.
There are several models to describe what happens inside a multiple’s brain as it develops multiple personalities.
The brain is very complex.
Recent brain research confirms that the brain was far more complex than imagined. In an average brain there are 10,000,000,000 individual neuron (nerve cells). Each of these has 10 with 100 zeros following it worth of interconnections.
In other words, an average brain has vastly more interconnections than the total number of atoms in the universe!
Often about 1/2 million different chemical reactions take place every minute in the average brain, and the number can be several times that during intense activity.
A Monarch’s brain has been worked on to be even more active than a normal person’s brain.
The left & the right side of the Monarch’s brain both work simultaneously, and the various personalities are all busy working simultaneously on different tracks.
To describe the complexity of what is happening with someone’s mind which has been messed with so dramatically for years, means that at times only an approximate model is presentable.
There are several terms which are used in speaking about multiples, which have developed several meanings.
Unless these terms are correctly defined, misconceptions about them can cloud an understanding of what happens during Monarch programming.
First, researchers have discovered that deep within a person, the brain truly understands in a pure awareness all about itself.
This is true for everyone.
This pure awareness has been named various names, including Hidden Observer.
If a man is obnoxious and seems to have a total lack of awareness that he irritates people; just know that deep down an awareness realizes exactly what he is and what he does.
The multiple’s brain at some deep awareness knows what has happened to it. The term Hidden Observer is fraught with danger though.
A demonic entity called the Hidden Observer works hand in glove with the programmer to program the individual.
The Hidden Observer is able to see everything the System does.
The people who control as slave frequently call up the Hidden Observer to ask questions.
In this case, it is a demonic entity, and yet it is this Hidden Observer, which each System has, that some therapists are trying to access to understand the System.
This Hidden Observer only tells the truth to its Master, because it is demonic.
The next term which is misunderstood is the term “the core”. The programmers set up various alters to pretend to be the core, and the core’s protector.
The real core is quite hidden, and not placed within the regular grid of the alter system’s chart.
It will take some explaining to convey what happens to the mind, and what the real core is.
One thing discovered by research into the genetic transmission of learned knowledge by humans to their children was that people are born with certain fears.
Snakes, blood, seeing internal body parts, and spiders are all things that people are born fearing.
The phobias toward these things are passed down genetically from one generation to another.
In searching for traumas to apply to little children, the Programmers found that these natural phobias which occur in most people from birth will work “wonderful” to split the mind.
Along this line, the following are samples of traumas done to program slaves:
1) being locked in a small confined spot, a pit or cage with spiders and snakes.
2) being forced to kill, and cut up and eat innocent victims,
3) Immersion into feces, urine and containers of blood. Then being made to eat these things. These are standard traumas.
Often a slave will experience not only all of the above but many others before they reach 4 or 5 years of age.
It is important to traumatize the child early before it has a chance to develop its ego states.
By the way, when the child is placed into a small box with spiders or snakes, they will often be told that if they play dead the snake will not bite them.
This carries out two things for the programmers, it lays the basis for suicide programs (i.e. “if-you-are-dead, then you-are-safe” thinking) and it teaches the child to dissociate.
Traumas to split the mind are not just high voltage, or natural phobias, but encompass the full range of the emotional and spiritual being of the victim.
The victim is eventually stripped of every spiritual or emotional resource by a variety of traumas, such as “blood orgies” where male and female genitals are cut, torture sessions on all types of medieval torture machines, staged events where actors imitating God, Jesus Christ, police, and therapists curse the victim, reject the victim, and even “kill” the victim in simulated drug deaths.
Children are placed in hospitals in captive abusive conditions.
Children are tied to innocent children which are systematically and brutally killed while the children are made to believe that they are guilty for the child’s punishment.
Near death experiences such as drowning have become an art with these abusers.
Trained dogs, monkeys and other animals are used to further traumatize the victims.
An Illuminati slave will most likely have experienced all of the last few paragraphs above, plus much more.
Toby, was one of the trained NOTS chimpanzees.
He was trained to be sadistic.
The other trained chimpanzees at China Lake included “Gabie” or Gabriel, who tickled the victim while they were tied up; Rastice, who had a toy chest with diamonds, bracelets, & a scepter which electroshocked; Zoro, who could do anything mean; Elmore, who cuddled as a mother but ate raw flesh; plus others.
An example of something said during programming with the chimps is, “THREE LITTLE MONKEYS IN A CAGE, DO, RE, ME, FA, SO, LA, TE, DO”.)
Joseph Mengele, aka Dr. Green, was skilled at using German shepherds to attack people.
Mengele got a reputation in the Nazi concentration camps for using German shepherds, before he was brought over to America.
He used dogs to help program American children. (The Process Church often uses German Shepherds too.)
He was also skilled in abortions, and was involved in weird traumas involved with babies being born, or the simulated births of dead rats (or other gross things) from the vaginas of girls being programmed.
When the Satanic cults tie their victims with wire for rituals, some of these people will lose their toes or fingers from the wire.
At times little fingers and the top part of ring fingers are lost in Satanic cult rituals too.
Many of the traumas and tortures are carried out by alters or persons who are sadistic.
How does the Network get sadistic men to torture little children?
Three different respectable studies (Harrower, Milgram, & Gibson) show that essentially all human males can be taught to engage in sadistic behavior.
There may be a few exceptions, but the point is that sadistic people are not in short supply for programming.
Some of the alter systems have extremely brutal sadistic alters.
In fact, the Mothers of Darkness alters are an important balancing point to prevent the sadistic male programmers from killing more of the children they are working on.
These sadists get a laugh at hurting little children.
The more pain, the more charge and excitement they get out of it.
Sadists enjoy gaining total control over a person.
In order to do this, they take charge over the little child’s basic body functions, such as sleep, eating, and pooping.
They enjoy terrorizing the little child, so Monarch slaves end up watching hours of sadistic behavior done to others before they are even 5 years old.
The worse the trauma, the more the sadistic programmers enjoy it.
Sensory deprivation, forced labor, poisoning, and rape of every orifice of the child are popular tortures by the programmers.
The child soon learns that he is at the mercy of crazy people who can only be satisfied by total submission, and the willingness to allow someone else to think for you.
The child will be made to eat faeces, blood, other disgusting things, while the programmer eats good meals.
Some of this sadistic behavior is toward a goal.
Cutting a person’s tongue and putting salt on it reinforces the no-talk programming.
Making someone throw up to cause eating disorder programming.
Dislocating shoulders to cause dissociation.
When the child victim’s crying is heard, they immediately apply torture so the child thinks it will suffocate.
This is behavior modification, & is covered later.
This trains the child not to cry. Around age 3, a Black Mass, a sick evil communion, is performed which is so ugly, that the child hides in dissociation by creating a “locked-up”/or “obscure” child.
This early flip provides a base for dark side programming.
This locked up child can have a powerful healing (with system wide effects) by being part of a positive love-filled commumon.
There are many traumas which can be carried out, which leave no physical scars, but do leave the child with the deepest emotional and spiritual scars.
This is often necessary when programming young children who the outside world will see soon after their programming session.
Holding one’s arms out is a simple torture.
Tickling and sensory deprivation are two tortures that leave no marks.
Burial caskets, some outside and some at inside locations are often used on slaves. That is why many slaves fear being buried alive.
The Programmers place all types of creepy insects in the caskets when they bury the person alive.
Another type of sensory deprivation is done by placing the victim in salt water (for buoyancy and weightlessness).
Then the victim is fitted with sensitive sensors that shock the person if the victim moves.
The shock puts the person back into unconsciousness.
The brain is trained to stop all external body movement from the conscious mind.
This type of sensory deprivation is used to place in the posthypnotic commands to do something at some future date far into the future.
The program is placed into the mind at the same primal level that the mind uses to tell the heart to beat.
One of the “appropriate” tortures is to place a bar between a little girl’s legs which spreads the girl’s loins for rape.
Then the bent spread legs are flapped, while the victim is specifically told she is a “Monarch butterfly”.
Many victims have created butterflies in their minds while being raped.
The programmers may tell some of their victims that out of caterpillar-worms come beautiful butterflies.
While raping the child, the Programmers will describe their sperm fluid as “honey comb”, and will cry out “hallelujah” when they come.
It doesn’t take long for the child to realize it has no ability to resist what is being done to it.
The will of the child victim is destroyed, and in its place remains a pliable slave.
If the slave doesn’t learn correctly they receive more pain.
A fish hook in the vagina is a popular one.
Older males have their genitals hurt during additional or reprogramming sessions.
They may have to eat the skin taken from their genitals.
The mind of the victim is not only divided from itself, but the very process of torture, makes the victim distrustful of humans in general.
On top of this distrust, the programmers will layer in programming to isolate the person from healthy relationships, which in turn increases the victim’s feeling of helplessness.
They are divided from their own parts (their own self) and the world in general. For instance, the water, cave and sand tortures make the survivor fearful of oceans.
The victim may be traumatized by being lowered on ropes or a cage on ropes into the water from a cliff, or may end up being buried alive in sand and watching the tide come in, or simply being totally buried alive in sand and abandoned.
For a while, the Illuminati was big on water torture because they had built into their systems a weakness that water would destroy the clone armies that protected programming, and they needed their slave systems to be fearful of water.
Slaves are frequently lowered into black holes, or pits containing the most scariest things possible.
This is a frequent trauma, because the victim when left in a dark hole for hours or days without any contact with the world or water & food will develop deep emotional scars & dissociation rather than tale-telling signs of physical abuse.
This torture is used essentially on all Monarch slaves.
Some of the traumas are done for specific medical reasons.
For instance, the person is starved by only allowing for instance 300 calories per day for say a small woman of 125 lbs.
Sugar & proteins are severely limited, so that the brain is starved into submission.
Water deprivation, which is taught to parents who raise Monarch slaves, is used from time to time on slaves to raise the brain’s temperature which happens when the brain swells from lack of water.
When the brain gets woozy & overheated it hallucinates and has a hard time remembering events.
If water deprivation is combined with electroshock it makes it harder yet for the victim to remember anything.
Heavy exercise along with long periods of little sleep (2-3 hours/day) causes an overproduction of endorphins in the brain and victims begin to robotically respond to commands.
This was done to Victor Schoof=Fritz Springmeier under the pretense of military “training”. Cisco Wheeler experienced it as part of her mind-control.
The brain under such stress may flip its functions from right to left & vice-versa. Hypnosis is easier when a brain is tired. Most victims remember being suspended upside down.
This was honed to a fine art by Mengele with concentration camp victims, while records were made of how fast blood drained from a child or adult’s stomach when they were dunked upside down into a tank of ice cold water.
The cold water tests supplied the data on temperature levels as consciousness faded. This information then was used later on in America to help the survival rate of children given the same trauma.
Simply hanging a person upside down for one or two hours will begin to play tricks on the mind.
The mind will begin to dissociate, and will begin to reverse the primordial brain functions such as pain is pleasure.
The person’s mind rearranges.
This is often done with Beta alters or Beta models to get them to think that the pain of sadistic rape is a pleasure.
After this reversal in the mind that “PAIN IS LOVE”, the S&M kitten alters will beg their handler to slap them, tie them up, hurt them, etc.
They will tease their handler, and tell him he is not a real man if he shows any mercy in how the pain is inflicted.
Fire/burning torture is used in the porcelain face programming.
The charismatic branch of the satanic Network (such as the Assembly of God churches) uses porcelain face programming.
This is all over Global Mega Churches today 2023.
This is done by using wax masks upon the victim, and giving them fire torture.
The person actually thinks that their face has melted.
At that point, the programmer pretends to be a god & a hero, and tells the person he will give them a new face, a porcelain mask.
These new faces by the way, look like the ones sold in so many stores.
The memories of abuse are then hypnotically hid behind the masks.
To take off the masks is to abreact & burn again.
If anyone touches the faces of alters with porcelain face programming, the alters will feel a burning sensation because their masks are not to be tampered with.
This means that these alters have via torture & hypnosis lost their own faces!
This is part of the dehumanization process.
As long as these alters stay in denial of what has happened to them, they do not have to face the burn torture memories.
Some alters are tortured in a fashion that the eye area is traumatized and they squint the left eye.
They look like Baron Guy de Rothschild of France’s left eye looked.
Guy de Rothschild was a major handler/programmer, but the reason for his drooping eye is not publicly known.
100% it was his own childhood torture being programmed by his parents.
The ritual aspect of trauma needs to be covered.
By traumatizing someone on a specific day--say, repeatedly traumatizing them on their birthday--is far more damaging than just simply traumatizing them.
The reason is that every time that person’s birthdate recycles they are put back into their memories of abuse.
Sexual abuse of a child is more powerful when it is put into the context of demonic magic.
The abuser’s semen and vaginal secretions are magic and seals the programming.
The ritual aspect of it, and the repetitive nature of the abuse creates several dynamics that accompany the abuse that wouldn’t occur in non-ritual abuse.
The lie that accompanies such abuse is that this institutionalized abuse is an obligation for both the abuser and the victim.
For instance, the mind-control of the Beast Barracks experience at West Point, USMA is an institutionalized abuse that allows the abuser to side step responsibility for sadistic behavior, and sets the stage for the abuse to be continued under the disguise of tradition.
Finally, there is one more category of trauma--those to produce cosmetic looks, for instance, breast implants, or electro-shock to create moles at certain locations for either as a sign telling other handlers the extent of the programming or for a Marilyn Monroe look.
A “stage trick” is to use a multi-needle device to scar the tissue.
The scar which is made in a pattern, a popular one is the satanic Goat’s head of Mendes, can be made visible by hypnotic command.
This allows the handler to look powerful to uninformed viewers.
This stage trick has been done by the occult world for centuries.
During battles soldiers have been known to wall off horrible events with amnesia walls.
Just like the soldier who walls off a traumatic battle scene where he sees his buddy disembowelled by a grenade, so the child walls off trauma.
However, the soldier must only endure a relatively small amount of trauma compared to the children who are programmed under the Monarch trauma-based mind control.
A soldier may remember his trauma, by being triggered by something that reminds him of the trauma.
Likewise, the child victim will have things that trigger it too.
One way of describing the split, is to say that the child’s mind is saying, “This isn’t happening to me, its happening to some one else” and a split in the personality occurs.
The new split will have the characteristics of what it split from.
The programmer will ask the alter being tortured to create something in the mind when the split is created--such as “I want 12 white fluffy kittens.”
The programmer, demons, and the child’s creativity work together with the dissociation to create alters.
Those 12 white fluffy kittens will have the characteristics and memories of what they were made from.
However, they are separated from each other by dissociation, and they will be given their own script and own separate identity by the programmer.
The dissociation between some alters who are co-conscious is not full blown amnesia.
After the Programmer has instructed the child what alters he wants made when he tortures the child, the Programmer will inject a truth serum to determine whether the correct alters were made and the correct amount.
The child’s creativity is being guided by torture.
The Programmer will often also call up the Hidden Observer and ask it what has happened internally in the mind of the victim.
Another better way of looking at what happens is to understand that the part of the brain that records personal memory--that is the personal history memory section, is divided up into little pieces by amnesia walls built to protect itself from the repeated traumas.
Each section is walled off from another section by amnesia.
Each trauma has an amnesia wall built around it.
Each trauma memory is sectioned off. That walled off section is a piece of memory that will be identified, and a hypnotic cue attached by the programmers that will pull it up to the conscious mind.
And further, if the programmers so desire, it can be given a history, a name, a job, and developed into a full-blown personality.
It’s important to grasp that the entire mind is not sectioned off into parts.
Some areas of the mind, such as the area that holds skills & talents, is available to all the alters who want to access that talent.
The talent doesn’t belong to that alter but to the System.
Autobiographical memory is remembered differently than simple facts & skills involving primitive parts of the brain.
A sense of time & a sense of self are attached to autobiographical memories--these things are stripped of an alter as it functions within the programming.
Memory storage is also linked to the brain’s state of mind at the time.
Hormones released at the time of an experience will modulate the strength of the memory of that experience.
The limbic-hypothalamic system of the brain (which consists of the amygdala, hippocampus, cingulate gyrus, fornix, septum, certain nuclei of the thalamus, and the Papez circuit) has a central modulating part which interacts with peripheral hormones.
Peripheral epinephrine will be released if the amygdala is electrically stimulated.
The adrenal medulla releases epinephrine that is vital for memory storage. In other words, there are hormones which help the brain remember or not.
A particular talent is not used by every alter.
A non-sexual alter (an alter with an asexual identity) is not going to access talents involved in sexual foreplay.
This is because memories are both occurrent states & also dispositions, and when a disposition is dissociated, the alter must maintain a different set of dispositions.
A three year child alter is not going to access abilities to write. To do so for these alters would mean attacking the amnesia walls which hold horrible memories.
They would mean going against the programming with its penalties, and their own understanding of “reality” which is the programmed story line that the alter has been convinced of under penalty of losing its life.
To dissociate a memory and to take on a particular role and identity involves a constant re-interpretation of past events.
It may also mean that the alter must contrive an interpretation of present events.
The 3 year old may, for instance, see breasts but decide they belong to someone else in the system who they share the body with.
This is in part dictated by the necessity of obscuring the pain of the trauma that separates the alter from the rest.
Each day that the alter confronts reality, they will face the threat that old memories will not agree with the story line created.
For instance, the handler’s sexual advances carried out in front of that asexual (nonsexual) alter must be misconstrued so that the illusion of not having been raped is continued.
This is why normal life has a way of breaking down the multitude of lies and programming of the deeper alters, which live in a fantasy world created during the programming.
The deeper alters have never had the chance to experience life outside of their programming, since they hold the body only at infrequent specialized moments which are disjointed in time.
The alters created to be fronts to normally hold the body will be given lots of programming to help them hold onto certain denials, so that they will find it necessary to ignore or reinterpret dreaded associations linked with dissociated memories.
For instance, a Christian front alter is sincerely very righteous and holy.
The thought that this person (technically the alter’s System of persons) could have done the most horrible savage demonic activities is inconceivable.
The memories of ritual are safely ignored, because the reality would undermine everything the person is.
This phenomena is not just seen in memory dissociation, but also under hypnosis when a person accepts a suggestion which flies in the face of the reality they can see. If a person accepts the suggestion that there is no dog in the room, they will struggle internally to maintain that illusion.
If asked to walk on a collision course with the dog, they will unconsciously move around it, and if asked why they stumbled around the dog, they will construct an artificial excuse, which is accepted even though it is transparently implausible. One of the Monarch Programmers Orne called this “trance logic.
Trance logic are those ploys and strategies to maintain a dissociative or hypnotic hallucination.
The frontal lobes of the cerebral cortex which are called the Brodmann areas no. 9-12 are responsible for a person’s own responses to circumstance--i.e. what some call “personality”.
When the mind is split, this natural personality is not erased but rather is a collected pool upon which various responses from it are attached to various personalities”.
Damage to these Brodmann areas tends to give an overall effect of making the person passive.
The programming is not designed to damage these areas, only to control what emotions they contain are linked in memory to the various memory fragments that will be made into personalities.
The reticular formation is the location of the brain’s mechanism which determines the state of consciousness all the way from alert, to hypnotic trance, to sleep, to coma.
It interacts with the frontal lobes and the rest of the brain.
Each memory is a function of several parts of the brain working together.
Memory is a function of alertness/state of consciousness (reticular formation), the emotions (Brodmann Areas 9-12), the Thalami (priorities given to memories), and several complicated processes where the brain categorizes and interfiles the info with other remembered data.
By building in amnesia walls between Event (personal history) memories, and by producing altered states of consciousness, the memories of a slave can be “nested” as the Programmers call it.
“Nested” means that it is hidden behind several “locked doors” when the mind files the memory.
Sometimes the person must go back to the altered state to recover a memory.
The electro-shock also scrambles the brain’s filing of a memory, so that it is filed in bits and pieces.
Because of the use of electro-shock, if memories do start surfacing they surface in pieces.
Sometimes a complete memory will be held by thousands of parts who the mind must bring together to recover the full memory.
It has been discovered that memory retrieval is best when the environment is identical to when the memory took place.
If we memorize numbers underwater, we will recall them better underwater.
Another thing discovered about trauma memories is that they are stored in the sensory motor processes, rather than just in the normal memory sites of the brain. These memories are called body memories, and they do not lie.
The False Memory Spindrome is way off base on their attacks, but then all of us who know the real story realize that they are just a coverup damage control scheme of the CIA.
Let’s return to describing the “core” or that part of the brain which is intact at the beginning.
If we pause to consider that a non-multiple person will experience struggles in their mind when simultaneous, overlapping but conflicting desires meet in conflict--i.e. “should I lay in bed, go to work, or go fishing today?”
A particular part of the brain (a Synthesizing Self) is capable of ordering such a conflict--it transcends all these conflicting ego states.
A single Synthesizing Self in the brain is likewise responsible for the de-synthesizing of the ego states.
The victim in order to appease the programmers sets up different and opposite alters relative to a single System’s needs.
The formation of alters is systematically and intelligently guided by the programmers, especially in the early stages.
The alters are created to meet the needs of the System that the programmers impose upon it, and not to adapt to an abusive parent.
Some therapists have failed to see that alter formation is not natural, but a maladaptive practice that is guided by the victim’s desire to please, and its fear of the programmers.
The pool of abilities will be shared in different combinations among the various alters.
An alter may have an unique ability that consists of subsidiary traits which may not be unique but are shared by other alters.
As a child develops if certain areas of the brain are stimulated, then those areas grow.
If they are not stimulated, then the brain will not grow brain cells in the area. In other words, experience shapes the way parts of our brains develop.
The way brain cells grow--that is how they make their connections is believed by researchers to be the actual place that memory is held.
The growth in connections in their meaningful ways creates meaningful patterns that make up memory.
When memory storage occurs, changes in terminals of axons ending on the dendrites occurs.
Dendrite spines (which look like trees) develop. One tree (dendrite spine) might look like an oak in winter -- another might look like a mass of seaweed.
For various reasons, as the brain of a multiple grows--it physically grows different than a normal person’s brain.
The brain can get around what has been done to it in some ways, but it needs to be borne in mind that we are not dealing with just bad memories--but brains which have had their physical makeup & functioning altered.
It is interesting to see how each different alter has a different EEG profile. One of the primary brain areas affected by the torture and programming are the areas which store event (personal history) memory.
These areas are the hippocampus and the cortex of the frontal brain lobes which work with the two thalamus.
General knowledge is stored in the neocortex (the grey area of the brain or the outer thin layer. The brain has practically no limit to memory.
However, it will select what it wants to remember, and it will decide how it will file what it remembers.
Hypnotic suggestions to “forget” something often simply means the person remembers the event--but labels the file “forgotten”.
Slaves are always under hypnotic suggestions to forget what they have experienced--however, usually the brain in actuality only appears to comply and then secretly records the event. Hypnosis is part of it all.
All the programming of each & every slave is anchored upon some type of trauma. One of the first fundamental traumas will be watched, filmed, coded & used as an anchor.
For instance, the most brutal rape of a girl by her father will be used as an anchor upon which to build the Beta programming.
It was discussed how the primary severing of the core was incest.
Extreme psychosis is created within a child trying to deal with the issues created by the incest from the child’s most important figure--their father figure.
In Moriah’s slaves, this is the standard method to sever the core, & create an anchoring trauma.
When 1700’s Jacob Frank Cult member Mayer Amschel Rothschild (orig. named Bauer) was on his deathbed, he demanded from his sons, that they protect the power of the House of Rothschild through incest.
Redemption through Sin.
Electroshock can cause pain, but this is nothing compared to the confusion in the mind caused by incest issues.
Entire worlds of loyal alters whose only function is loyalty to the biological incestual father are created in the slave.
This world of loyal alters may be the Daisy world.
The hardest bonding to break within Illuminati slaves is this bond to their incestual father.
Non-Illuminati mind-controlled slaves are bonded to other people--the cult leader or programmer.
Whatever fundamental trauma is decided upon, all the rest of the programming will be built upon that anchor in the victim’s mind.
This fundamental trauma is not the bottom reptilian brain BEAST computer which sets at the bottom of the subconscious mind. Internal computers are complex.
This is simply an anchoring memory that the programmers begin with. In large systems, the programmers will choose an experience that all of the alters are familiar with.
When large programmed alter systems come in for a major rehaul, the Programmers will call up section by section with the correct code words until they are all at the front of the mind.
When this is done, thousands of alters are pulled up co-conscious & worked on all together.
When this occurs it is an exceptionally big surprise for most alters who have lived their entire existence in dissociated isolation from other alters in their system. Why would the programmers do this?
For several reasons, speed and the desire to have common anchoring experiences, & common programming imagery.
Blood and perfume have been linked together in magic for thousands of years.
The magical writing are full of the different concoctions created for ritual smells.
Some of these over the centuries were smells which were discovered caused people to go into trance or dissociate.
A common wretched smell at Satanic/Illuminati rituals is the smell of human flesh, as flesh is heated to make candles in wooden ritual cups.
It is reported that the stench of human flesh burning can cause dissociation.
The power of scents was noticed in ancient China by Li Po. The alchemists studied scents very carefully.
The case at Loudon, Fr. (written about inChapt. 10, pp. 295-296), had nuns going into different dissociative states at the smell of different flowers.
Cinnamon is a widespread scent used in programming deeper parts in a system.
The smell of faeces & urine is a trauma to a small caged child.
Interestingly, urine also contains An-alpha which is the scent element which triggers the human mind sexually.
Moriah knows how to use the various scents, incenses etc. Astral magic uses various perfumes.
According to someone who has helped with the programming and Moon Child ceremonies, occasionally the child while in the womb when traumatized by the Moon Child rituals, retreats into its mind like a cocoon, and develops autism.
Autism is an emotional problem where the child withdraws from reality and goes into its own private world of altered states.
The programmers for many years did not know why some children developed autism from the trauma rather MPD (DID), but in some cases it seems related to high 1.0. and genetics.
The programmers are not able to reach such children, and essentially all were discarded into mental hospitals or used in rituals, until about 20 years ago when more and more of them were allowed to survive in public.
An article “Altered States”, based on the Donna William’s autobiographical book Somebody Somewhere seems to buttress that autism can be mind-control duds.
Williams is both autistic & MPD. Her book reveals that autistic children have acute sensory perception (intelligence) rather than retardation.
There are different types of autism, and the authors do not understand the topic well enough to write much more than this.
It is quite possible autism may have several causes, some which do not relate to the failure to become MPD (DID), but may be the result of some other cause.
However, the increase in autistic children is believed by the authors to be the result of increased trauma-based mind control.
MS (multiple sclerosis) is another side effect, which can stem from brain stem scarring.
Several victims of Illuminati trauma, remember a special ritual torture device that is put inside a person and causes excruciating pain.
It is made from only one kind of wood, a special wood, possibly myrtle.
It has a painted spider on it, between two satanic symbols.
In review, the elements that make up a single whole personality--family history, personal history and memories of abilities, talents and one’s self-image have all been stripped from the child when the mind divides itself up into sections walled off by amnesia walls.
When the programmers work with each memory part, they have the option to give it all the elements of whatever personality they want it to have.
They can even make it into an animal or an inanimate object, because that little fragment has no chance to contradict what it is being programmed to believe.
Although the memory part of the brain (which provides a person’s personality) is divided, other parts of the brain function intact.
Much of the elements of Monarch Mind Control are based on things that are observed in normal life--dissociation, mental & chemical dependence, denial, charisma, discipline, personality and torture which have been refined into skilled methodologies for controlling a person and then combined into a GROUPPACKAGE.
Illuminati rituals are based upon the most ancient Mystery religions.
The Rockefeller/Rothschilds like the ancient Canaanite Mystery rituals, and use Akkadian-Hittite-Canaanite-Babylonian rituals.
Primarily, Ba’al, Moloch, Astarte
The rituals from ancient Egypt are also heavily used by the Illuminati.
The Collins/Sinclair type Illuminati bloodlines and some of the other Illuminati families with a northern European/celtic background, are very much into Druidic rituals that came from the vast migration of apostate Tribe Dan into Europe.
Understand that historically, the Druids gave up paganism for the truth of Christ, but that now neo-paganism would have people return to what the Celtic leadership gave up about two thousand years ago.
The drawings below were done by participants in high level satanic ritual.
The one participant drew several pictures of hearts which her coven placed into jars. Some illustrations from the Egyptian Book of the Dead are included to show that the rituals of keeping hearts in a jar is straight from the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
The heart was placed in a jar for weighing it for judgment.
The twin (mirror-image) goddess Maat at times stands beside the scales, and at the same time Maat is also placed onto one side of the scale.
This is a counterfeit to YHWH judging a person, while also being the standard against which a person is judged against.
In the Papyrus of Qenna the head of Anubis is on the beam and the ape, wearing disk and crescent, is seated upon a pylon-shaped pedestal beside the balance.
Another picture shows Horus holding Maat in his hand, weighing the heart in the presence of the Maat goddesses, and anubis, who is holding the deceased by the hand, is presenting the heart to Osirus while Isis and Nephthys in the forms of apes sit nearby.
The drawing of the ritual stick or wand made of Holly wood shows what one type of stick used in Satanic rituals looks like.