Misogynist Murder & Martyrdom
St Catherine & Hypatia of Alexandria, Ancient Knowledge, Secret Societies, Fanatic Cults, Martyrdom, Misogynists
Good day dear Readers;
In the wee hours on break I saw another compelling and very thought-provoking article about the martyr Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Egypt; and I thought of the martyr Hypatia who was the head of the Library of Alexandria, Egypt also murdered there.
Chapter 1. Death by Misogynists
It begins with the tragic martyrdom of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Egypt in 305 AD, which brought to my mind the martyrdom of Hypatia the head of the library of Alexandria, Egypt in 415 AD; same place a century apart in the corrupt Western Roman Empire that was divided by the 4th Century.
Both great women were the victims of psychopathic insecure, Cluster B malignant narcissists 100% evil MISOGYNISTS who hated women.
Misogyny is hatred of, contempt for, or prejudice against women or girls. It is a form of sexism that can keep women at a lower social status than men, thus maintaining the social roles of patriarchy. Misogyny has been widely practised for thousands of years. Wikipedia
Misogyny runs deep: how to stand up to sexist language
Both St. Catherine and Hypatia were extraordinary women of their time that are worthy of being models for ALL young girls and women on Planet Earth
The evil psychopaths responsible for the murders of St. Catherine and Hypatia were highly placed in society who abused power and authority and were tyrant insecure men.
The first creepy misogynist was Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius Valerian Maxentius (c. 283 – 28 October 312). named in part after the REAL original Marcus Aurelius Antoninus (26 April 121 – 17 March 180)
In essence Maxentius was the leader of the Western Roman Empire, while Constantine was ruler of the East Roman Empire from Constantinople that was later called Byzantium and Istanbul. IN the end a great Battle for the Milvian Bridge that erupted because of the tense rivalry between Maxentius verse Constantine, that monster lost thank goodness for Western Civilization…
The next criminal misogynist was Bishop Cyril of Alexandria:
Hypatia of Alexandria: The Life and Death of a Female Philosopher
In 2009 a bio movie titled “Agora” about Hypatia was released starring Rachel Weisz:
Much can be found online about St. Catherine and Hypatia as well as their persecutors Emperor Maxentius and Bishop Cyril two hyper misogynist shit stains upon Humanity doubtless in HELL for their horrific crimes throughout their miserable lives of psychopathy.
A recent example of evil filthy woman hating misogynists is Donald Trump and his partner in crime Jeffrey Epstein; whose temple on his little island had torture devices there like dentist chairs to chain the victims with ritual human sacrifice of young teen girls and little girls going on there but its being hidden from the public.
Chapter 2. The Library of Alexandria and the Burnings
In a nutshell the Library of Alexandria was the World’s greatest repository of knowledge in the Ancient World of the Antiquities.
The Great Library of Alexandria was a massive, ancient library. It was part of a research institute known as the “Museum” in Alexandria, Egypt.
The library is shrouded in mystery, from its founding to its destruction and everything in between. It was the single greatest accumulation of human knowledge in history, likely established under Ptolemy II Philadelphus in the third century BCE.
Ptolemy II also had the Old Testament in Paleo Hebrew translated by 70+ Hebrew Scholars into Greek known as the Septuagint LXX; that was used later in the translation of the Old Testament into English, and Jesus actually quoted scripture from the Septuagint verbatim in His public ministry in Judæa as Greek was the common language of both the Greek and Roman Multi National Empires like English globally today 2023.
At the time, written material came mostly in the form of papyrus scrolls because paper—as we know it—was not invented for another four centuries!
The exact number of materials housed in the library is unknown, but sources report anywhere from 40,000 to 400,000 papyrus scrolls at the height of the library’s popularity in society in Egypt.
The library was so large, a daughter branch opened in the Temple of Serapis nearby.
As the library grew, so did Alexandria’s reputation as a city of academics and scholars.
Many important works came from the scholars at the library.
Callimachus created the first library catalog ever; Eratosthenes of Cyrene calculated the circumference of the Earth with astounding accuracy; and many Greek and Roman works and texts used by scholars today were produced at Alexandria.
Despite all this, the library is most famous (or rather infamous) for its burning. Throughout its near 1,000-year history, the library was burned multiple times.
According to Plutarch, the first person to blame is Julius Caesar. On his pursuit of Pompey into Egypt in 48 BCE, Caesar was cut off by a large fleet of Egyptian boats in the harbor of Alexandria. He ordered the boats to be burned. The fleet was destroyed, but the flames spread to the city and the library. It’s not known how much of the library was destroyed.
When Caesar documented this attack in his account of the civil war, he left out the destruction of the library; however, this was not uncommon of Caesar, who often left out embarrassing and damaging facts about himself in his writing. However, despite this loss, the library lived on. According to reports, Mark Antony gave Cleopatra 200,000 scrolls for the library well after Caesar’s attack.
The second, more famous, burning of the library came at the hands of Theophilus who was Patriarch of Alexandria from 385 to 412 CE. He turned the Temple of Serapis into a Christian church. It is likely that the collection was destroyed by the Christians who moved in. Some sources say nearly 10 percent of the library’s collection was housed in the Temple of Serapis. In the following years, the Christian attack against the library escalated, and the last great pagan philosopher and librarian, Hypatia, was tortured and killed.
The final blow came in 640 CE when Alexandria came under Muslim rule. The Muslim ruler, Caliph Omar, asserted that the library’s contents would “either contradict the Koran, in which case they are heresy, or they will agree with it, so they are superfluous.” The contents of the library were then supposedly used as tinder for the city’s bathhouses. Even then, it is said that it took six months for all the materials to burn.
Practically nothing of the library remains today. Modern Alexandria is a bustling metropolis and has maintained consistent occupation over the last 2,000 years.
Archaeologists and historians still dispute the library’s demise and who is truly to blame for the destruction of such a wealth of knowledge.
However, there is no dispute that the destruction of the Library of Alexandria significantly damaged our understanding of ancient civilizations.
If you’re interested in learning more about the Library of Alexandria, check out these resources:
"Eratosthenes of Cyrene" article by Ellen Bailey (from Explora)
Plutarch: Lives of the Noble Grecians and Romans, by Plutarch (eBook)
The Classical World by Robin Lane Fox
A Little History of the World by E.H. Gombrich
Julius Caesar by Philip Freeman
The Rise and Fall of Alexandria by Justin Pollard
Alexandria by Lindsey Davis
Ink and Bone series by Rachel Caine
Just One Damned Thing After Another by Jodi Taylor
The Library of Alexandria by Kelly Trumble
Of Numbers and Stars: The Story of Hypatia by Anne D. Love
Chapter 3. Secret Societies in Ancient Egypt
Yes there were Initiatory Secret Societies in ancient Egypt. Even among Greek philosophers were very famous men who studied the 22 Years as Initiates such as Greek historian Herodotus, Plato, Solon, Heraclitus, Pythagoras, Thales, Eudoxis, etc. And it’s thought men like Pliny the Elder also was there.
Essentially an Initiate from Neophyte studied 22 Year before being Tested in an underground passageway from the Sphynx to the Great Pyramid, where the Adept was given 22 Tests in stops along the way based upon the 22 Atu of the Major Arcana of the real Tarot.
In the Great Pyramid in the Queen’s Chamber the Initiate was given a drug that produced a near death experience and forced astral projection as the Initiate was led up to the King’s Chamber that was NOT a Tomb, but was instead filled with heavy saline chemicals as a flotation tank seen in the Ken Russell movie Altered States.
The Initiate would float suspended in the King’s Chamber and this is WHY there was Salt crystals all over in there found encrusted by Archaeologist’s researches of the area.
In there is a visual passageway East that will align perfectly with the binary star Sirius when it rises with the Sun for the Dog Days the hottest time of the year in Egypt when the melt hits the highlands to flood the Nile and make it fertile annually.
To the North is a visual passageway that once aligned with the former North Star Thuban Alpha Draconis in Draco Major, but it has moved away; and is now moving toward alignment with Polaris a star in the northern circumpolar constellation of Ursa Minor. It is designated α Ursae Minoris and is commonly called the North Star or Pole Star today, but it’s not in perfect alignment yet.
When that happens there will be major electrical storms globally and many events on Earth that will be global. Get ready to be scared shitless guaranteed when that happens… the last alignment was horrific globally before the Flood.
Plato and Herodotus got their information about Atlantis before the Flood now the remains of the Eye of the Sahara the Richat. Look it up and see for Yourselves…
Yes, the Secret Societies took all the scrolls they could those three burnings of the Library of Alexandria and they passed on to Guilds that built the Gothic Cathedrals and the Weavers who hid Symbols in garments they wove with hidden knowledge…
This was far beyond the 1600’s invention of the Freemasons…
Today's misogynistic males think they've discovered something new and genius in their hatred of education, but anti-cosmopolitanism is older than the hills.