After the bullshit inauguration after a fraudulent election-
No Sugar Tonight American Woman!
The history of the world is the history of the warfare between secret societies.
—Ishmael Reed, Mumbo-Jumbo
So goodness evening all You shooting stars!
I wrote this for after the gag reflex inauguration of a real asshole and certifiable psychopath Donald Trump as the 47th president in American history.
Former JAG attorney Glenn Kirschner had this commentary on why the inauguration was moved indoors…
Trump Moves Inauguration Indoors Due To . . . The Cold?
Or Is It All About Crowd Size?
Very thought provoking indeed.
The graft and corruption inside the MAGA GOP Repulsive Party is staggering:
I ran into James Carville.
So, I asked,
“are you going to watch him take the oath of office?”
The only-from-Carville reply:
"Are you kiddin’ me?
I’d rather watch
my uncle’s colonoscopy."
And look at lying dirt bag Hegseth here as Trump stooge being interviewed:
And the vile corrupt Trump so many lawsuits
'Remarkable' amount of civil lawsuits stack up against Trump as he enters a second term
The old song “American Woman” was implying the Statue of Liberty and was a protest the Vietnam War that sits true in protest against traitorous Trump:
American is becoming a toxic oligarch state… but to dismantle an oligarchy is difficult…
Unfortunately there are no blog writers and journalists in America so patriotism oriented they would do as Japanese activist and writer, Yukio Mishima did in protest to his government:
As Biden tries to look beyond the White House, grudges loom large
Nobody in America will be making love after the fraudulent inauguration of evil dictator asshole Trump…yup no Makin’ Love…
Very sadly there will be no sugar tonight nationwide in America after the inauguration of evil fraud Trump: